Violin Making Book

More Than Meets the Eye
a violin making book by Tim Phillips

More than meets the eye: violin making book

MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE. Hardback £45.50
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MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE. Workshop Edition (Softback) £18.50
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This is a print on demand service, so your book is printed especially for you!

As most of you know now I retired from violin making early in 2020 when I had completed the grand total of 500 violins. Instead of sitting about idly warming my toes by an open fire and sipping nectar of the Gods (although that would have been nice), I’ve had various music related projects on the go, one of which has been the writing of ‘More than meets the eye‘ (my book on violin making). Having navigated a somewhat individual course down the slipway of violin making, it seemed natural that a violin-related book was due from me. But what would its content be?
More than meets the eye, a critical and constructive companion to violin making, follows the making of a violin from conception to finished article, offering the reader a stimulating look at many aspects of violin making that lie outside of the accepted framework of the dark art. It raises questions and challenges norms, it gives answers and tries to broaden the context and understanding within which a violin is normally made.

More than meets the eye will be of interest to everybody who shares my love of violins as a listener, player, and maker, and will be a stimulating read for violin makers whether just starting out or already well down the road to fame and fortune!

Available as a beautiful hardback for the bookshelf, or handy softback for the workshop, it’s definitely different from all the other violin making books!

Violin making books by Tim Phillips

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MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE. Workshop Edition (Softback) 
Link to buy

This is a print on demand service, so your book is printed especially for you!

Thanks to you all.
I just finished reading your book. Thank you for explaining fundamentals so comprehensively! I am in the middle of building my second violin (actually a viola) in the guitar workshop of my son.
Rotterdam, Netherlands.

The Final Ten Violins 

Violins number 491 to 500 made by Tim Phillips

This book presents multiple photographs with text of the final ten violins I made before retiring from violin making. Collectively they show many of my violin design ideas that I have developed over nearly 30 years and 500 violins.
It will be of interest to anybody who loves, plays, or makes violins.
I originally compiled the book in order to give a copy to each of the ‘final ten’ violin customers, but have now decided to make it more widely available.


Hardback  £47.50

This is a print on demand service, so your book is printed especially for you!