The ‘Infidel’ is simply my name for a smooth-shaped violin, a design now closely associated with me but even Mr Strad himself made some.
Often considered a modern classic, the instantly recognisable Infidel is a smooth, simple and neat form of violin that generally offers a more mellow and forgiving sound to the player. Basic dimensions and construction are the same as conventional violins, but without the points (corners), and usually with my simple ‘open scroll’ design.
I can offer them in a range of colours, with a broad choice of purfling and other details.
Prices are on the In Stock page
Reel played by Caoimhe Kerins, Ballymote, Co. Sligo when she took second place in the Senior Fiddle Competition at the Connacht Fleadh on the 8th of July 2012. Caoimhe plays a Tim Phillips Infidel